Monday 23 August 2010

The Dress Saga

Today I have booked 2 other appointments to Bridal boutiques in my area and I'm feeling a real mix of excitement and nerves. I feel I should fill you in a little about DressGate so far...
I was certain that the summer was THE time to find the dress and earnestly booked 2 appointments in the last week of July. Just to put you in the picture, here is a little info on the Motley Cru I had come with me.
Mum- Traditional, traditional, traditional. HATED it when I said I wasn't marrying in a church, even though I haven't been since my head was wet at the font. Thinks Princess Diana's huuuuge affair is the height of bridal brilliance. Heart of gold, though.
Alicia- friend and bridesmaid. Very fashion forward and image obsessed. Has been such a great support to me already, but her style is different to mine. She LOVES the unusual and striking, and I do to an extent, but not entirely convinced it's really me.
Lorraine- Sister and bridesmaid. Sits somewhere in between the other two in ideas, really. Bought up on the same Disney Princess diet as me, she thinks a wedding dress should look like a "proper wedding dress". Tells it like it is and doesn't care what anybody else thinks.
Sooooo, hugely opposite then! Great!
Our first stop was a lovely boutique in Surrey. Mum glanced at the womans gladiator sandals with disdain, while Alicia was champing at the bit to paw the dresses. The woman was absolutely lovely and guided me through the whole process. The first dress I put on was a slinky Jenny Packham that reduced my Mum to tears. But, can you really take that as a good thing or is it a normal Mum reaction?! I loved the feel of the JP, but didn't feel "bridal". And so it went on, I tried every shape and fabric known to man and certain truths were established from Boutique-lady. Namely;
"Ooooh, you do have a long body. I bet you can go to Long Tall Sally for tops and Topshop petites for trousers"
"You shouldn't play with your hair so much, why are you doing it? It looks better up"
I felt like I was being psychoanalysed as well as trying on a dress! To my surprise (and kind of dismay) everything I liked didn't like me. And Team Luci had such different opinions. When I tried one Cymbelline number on I was met with-
Alicia "Oh my god, I LOVE it, it's so different and WILD!"
Lorraine "Hmmm, I don't know. It's nice, but I don't know about the flower, it looks like it has been ripped by a hoover"
Mum "Oh dear, what would your Aunties SAY?! It looks RIPPED!!!"
From the whole experience there was one that stood out, a Maggie Sottero (a brand I have fallen out of love with lately as they seem to have been worn at every wedding I have attended recently)lacy number with a little kick at the bottom.
So, that was dress experience number one, and it definitely gave me food for thought.

Wedding Countdown

Thanks massively to Loulabelle for telling me how to get my own countdown. LOVE IT!

Saturday 21 August 2010

Where to start?

Where to start?
Hmmm, this is weird! I feel like I'm 15 and leaving my diary wide open for anyone to stumble across! What's even weirder is that no one could stumble across it, leaving me screaming in an empty room. However, I shall try my best. Here goes...
What a week! K and I went on a couple of days break in the West Country and recharged our batteries. Hotel beautiful and full of golfing types (which we are NOT) but it was when I came home that the excitement started. I have been selected as a finalist to blog my wedding adventures (or fiasco) on the brilliant Rock My Wedding! I was soooo surprised, and girly screams ensued! We shall see what happens- I live in hope, although am a realist (code for- not a hope in hell!)
If you want to read my entry, please go to and if you feel inclined to vote, well that would be rather wonderful. Of course, as I'm talking to nobody, I may not get a response!!! Aaahhh, I'm sure this blogging lark will begin to feel a bit more natural sooner or later!
Much love,
Luci aka Little Miss Blue Shoes (more about those later)

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Bridal Bloody Brilliance!

Well, here I am! I have been a Bride to Be for 1 year and 5 days today and am certifying myself officially insane. I always knew I'd be bitten hard with the bridal bug, but that very bug has sunk it's teeth so deep I don't think I'll get it out again! As a busy primary school teacher, I LIVE for August and this one is turning out to be rather marvellous as I can concentrate on all things weddingy. I LOVE looking at Bridal blogs and as summer boredom is beginning to creep in I say "let's jump on the bandwagon!". Please comment on my blog if you see/find/hear anything on your blogging travels that I might be interested in. In the meantime, here is my moodboard for my very own Big Day.
Luci (Little Miss Blue Shoes) xx